Dental Technology

Intraoral scanner

Intraoral scanners offer a wide range of functions and specifications that make the entire treatment process in your practice less complicated and more convenient. Thanks to the high scanning speeds, treatment times, for example, can be reduced to a minimum.

The output of open STL data is the perfect, standardised interface to your CAD software. Digital backup of recordings, and digital data transfer are the basis for an optimised and error-free workflow. As one of Dental Direkt’s partners, we offer you two high-end device models for seamless integration into your digital process chain. For more precision and comfort for both patient and dentist.

Your benefits

Impressive speed

Extremely high resolution


Maximum openness

One-button operation

High return on investment

Intraoral scanner DiOS® 4.0

Digital impressions that are easy to handle

With the DiOS® 4.0, we offer you an innovative intraoral scanner that combines all the advantages of digital impressions for you – at an incomparably low price. It allows you to quickly enter the world of digital dentistry and is easy to integrate into your practice or laboratory.



Digital impression demonstration offer

Check out the digitalised workflow for yourself: Employees from Dental Direkt are able to demonstrate how the intraoral scanner works on the patient directly. Costs: €700.00, refund with purchase.

Are you interested? Your contact

Your contact

Precious metal dental technology

Phone: +49 7044 90 333-333