The C.HAFNER precious metals trade offers advice about all aspects of the product and the currency of precious metal. We offer all prerequisites and possibilities for intelligent and efficient precious metals management based on daily updated prices.
We trade precious metals in any form at daily updated prices:
Our direct access to Reuters Realtime means that we constantly have an eye on the latest developments in the precious metal markets and can therefore offer you top rates.
With fixing, we offer you the opportunity of selling any quantity of fine gold (minimum 100g) at the current daily price. As soon as the fine gold is credited to your precious metal account with us, we will initiate your payout.
We offer futures contacts on a weekly or monthly basis. This is based on the exercise price on the dealing date of the transaction, with relevant markdowns or premiums being applied depending on the term.
The C.HAFNER Precious Metal Trading service places your limit orders for the quantity you require at the price and period of time you specify.
Your precious metal account at C.HAFNER forms the basis for your scrap material accounts and offers you the following services – simple, secure and free:
Tel.: +49 7044 90 333-999