Industrial applications – and requirements – are highly individual and specific in almost all cases. Against the background of a 360-degree manufacturing portfolio, C.HAFNER therefore considers itself a consultant and service provider. From a very early stage of the project and through a close exchange, we assist our customers with the development of an optimal and, above all, economical production strategy. The focus is on precious metal expertise, high process speeds and the ability to provide economical solutions in almost all dimensions and lot sizes.
Short market entry times in all batch sizes – from individual parts and small-scale series in series quality to industrial production.
Economical production of precious metal components through a combination of additive and subtractive processes.
We provide advice on component optimisation – tailored to the respective alloy and suitable manufacturing processes.
Production of complex components in the micropart range, especially for medical technology and other demanding applications.
Competent support when selecting and developing precious metal alloys tailor-made for your application.
Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001, 13485 for medical devices and accreditation to laboratories.
Industrial applications almost always require customised solutions. This includes the production of new alloys with precisely defined physical or chemical properties, precision parts with high levels of dimensional accuracy or new, previously unknown combinations of materials. With C.HAFNER as a leading system partner for precious metals, you will receive the entire material and production spectrum from a single source.
As recycling specialists, we process waste containing precious metals, especially platinum group metals, with the utmost care. Reliably processing the precious metal return takes place via your metal account – in exactly the same way your production orders are processed. This guarantees that all processes are handled from a single source – simply and securely.
Tel.: +49 7044 90 333-555
Andy Michalow ・ 3t Sales Co.
Tel.: +1 949 689 0903